
actual time

What time is it?

Remark: Various displays can be activated by mouse click.

fs in ksw - sci


What time is it ?

Remarks ::
'←' = -5 minutes
'→' = +5 minutes
'↓' = -1 hour
'↑' = +1 hour
'c' = display control
'n' = new random time.
Choose the language:
'd' = German
'f' = French
'e' = English
's' = Spanish.
Various displays can be activated by mouse click.

fs in & en ksw - sci & unt

Further remarks :

This trainer uses recent technology. If a current browser isn’t available or difficult to install, a portable version can be used. E. g PortableApps. For quick access you might install a favorite on the browser or a link on the desktop. Handling the trainer is easy and doesn’t require any further explanations.

It may be necessary to click once on the trainer before starting it.

Have fun!